Eerste Paasdag

Signs of Spring
Vrolijk Pasen (Happy Easter) to those of you who celebrate. Here in the Netherlands, you get Eerste Paasdag (First Easter Day), which is today, and tomorrow is Tweede Paasdag (Second Easter Day). Since the weather is sunny but cool today, we decided to take a long walk around part of town and enjoy the sunshine before the rain returns. First we headed over to the Spoorweg Museum, so I could take a couple of photos, then we walked along the Maliebaan, a long, straight, picturesque, and historic street. Then, we decided to walk over to Wilhelmina Park, with the hope that it wouldn’t be too busy yet.

Just before you cross the roundabout to enter Wilhelmina Park, you will see this charming house. With the tree in bloom against the house, I couldn’t resist a photo. On the way back, we passed next to the house and I took the following shots. It’s wonderful seeing the tree in the first stages of blooming. It was a lovely way to start the day.

We had Pippo with us, of course, and after a long walk with an energetic dog, we’re all a bit tired. I’m glad dinner doesn’t require too much work tonight. An afternoon curled up on the sofa is a lovely way to pass the afternoon!

Vrolijk Pasen!

Spring Blooms

18 thoughts on “Eerste Paasdag

  1. Beautiul set of pictures! The magnolia is such a lovely tree, pity that it does not resist the wind gusts too well. This one is called Magnolia Susan -of course I don’t know the scientific name, but we had one in our former house and that’s what the label said when we bought it šŸ™‚
    Vrolijk Pasen!

    • It was the tree that caught my eye initially when I first saw the house, so when I went back, I couldn’t resist getting some proper shots of the blooms. Standing there, the second shot just struck me as kind of nice with the white gingerbread detail of the peaked roof peeking through the blooming tree branches. Thanks for another tip on the name of it!

  2. I have a magnolia similar to that in my front yard, and it’s called magnolia soulangiana, but there are so many varieties out there it’s hard to tell. What counts is that they are stunningly beautiful! I remember the Wilhelmina Park well, my aunt lived close by and we used to walk over and feed the ducks as a special treat. Thanks for the great memories, and happy Easter to you, too.

    • It really is a beautiful park. Yesterday while we were there, we were rounding a corner when I stopped to take a photo of one of the ponds. My boyfriend and the dog had stayed back to stay out of shot. Just as well, because I fortunately noticed one very VERY large duck near the pathway. I figured it was best not to let my dog and the duck meet. My dog is big, but I think the duck could have taken him. šŸ˜‰ We took a slightly different route!

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